Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A wardrobe for radio (TV sightings)

It's said there are people who have a face for radio. I may have that also. But can say definitively that my selection of shirts is not meant for television. On monday, I did a stint on NBC in the Bay Area. This morning, I taped an ABC show called News Now. Both instances demanded a frantic unearthing of closet for a shirt that is utterly food-stain free. Not "sufficiently free of spots" as in:
husband: This one looks sufficiently free of spots.
wife: Get a new one for our annulment.

Decent shirts having been discovered, the TV stuff was surprisingly comfortable. The key, I've learned, is to be gesticulation free. Keep your hands and arms from flailing about, smile, and act like you've been there before. Then they won't notice the Kung Pao Chicken Stain.

In other publicity news, I did KAZM radio in Northern Arizona at the crack of dawn on Tuesday morning. Talk there spilled over into the appropriateness of men wearing speedos. Friday is WISN Early Spin, the drive time show in Milwaukee. It's at 6:10 am pst. I may be groggy, but I promise not to wear a speedo. Not one with food stains, at least.


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